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Details on our Personalized Newspaper

The standard size for the newspaper is 8R (8" x 10").

We can also custom-made for you the way you want it, for example a 2-page newspaper or a larger size newspaper (think about a farewell gift where you can put signatures and wishes on it). I did all this before but haven't got the chance to take photos of it since it was a rush order.

Well, anyway, it's easy peasy to order this paper. We will email you the order form where you have to fill out few standard details of the gift recipient.

You could also request us to add some important message or information in the newspaper. For example, I did a newspaper where the mother requested me to put a special song dedicated to his son. Or another mother who has son sharing the same birthday, thus she wants it to be mentioned in the newspaper as well.

Basically, the more info you could provide us, the more interesting the story will be. Of course sometime if you want to make a gift for your kid's friend for example, then you might have trouble finding the fact. So, all you need to do is just give us the non-optional info and we can work out from there (insyaAllah).

Then, you need to email me the photo. Let say, if you want to give it to somebody whom you do not have his photo, then all we do is just substitute with a nice suitable clipart.

It's easy. We can customize the newspaper for you...Check out below of some the newspapers that we have in store...

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